161 | 5 Tips to Make Your College Application Stand Out

The college application process can sound so daunting that it's tempting to put it off until you're drowning in it. But it doesn't have to be that way. You CAN put together an amazing college application without all the overwhelm, and I've invited special guests, Greg & Beth from College Flight Plan, to show us how.

With over 20 years of working as an editor for college admission essays, you're going to learn from Beth some invaluable tips to help you stop procrastinating on your essay and simple ways to make your answers stand out from the crowd. If you're feeling confused about to write about, or what college or degree to apply for, then that's where some powerful values-based exercises and tools that Greg shares with us can be game changing for you. This episode is a must listen for any student wanting to get into their college of choice here in the US.

Be sure to check out their awesome free resources to guide you through the college application process HERE.

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